Are You Offering An Education Assistance Program?
As employers continue to build and adapt to an ever-changing workforce, strategies that support attracting and retaining top talent is always on the forefront of an employer’s mind. In this survey, we want to know how prevalent Tuition Reimbursement and Education Assistance Programs are in today’s market.
An Education Assistance Program is an employee benefit in which an employer pays for an employee’s educational expenses, and/or provides tuition reimbursements and student loan repayment assistance to an employee’s spouse or dependent children. If certain requirements are satisfied, the amount paid, reimbursed, or credited toward tuition by the employer is tax deductible for the employer and not taxable income for the employee, making it a win-win program for both parties.
An organization may also establish an Education Assistance Program, such as scholarship grants, for strategic reasons that extend beyond benefiting current employees, prospective employees, or their family members. This offers additional benefits such as tax breaks, promoting retention, reducing recruiting costs, and adding cultural value.
2021 Employee Benefits Compliance Webinar Series
The employee benefits compliance landscape is in a state of constant change. EPIC believes that timely, accurate communication regarding impactful changes – and the resulting requirements, exposures and opportunities – is a chief responsibility for employee benefits brokers, consultants and professional advisors.
Upcoming Webinar Thursday, July 8
Common Benefit Mistakes Employers Make
- 11:00 AM to Noon PT
- Noon to 1:00 PM MT
- 1:00 to 2:00 PM CT
- 2:00 to 3:00 PM ET
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