Impact Risk Partners
IMPACT Risk Partners, a division of EPIC
If your priority is achieving superior business results with a productive workforce, count on us to help you achieve that goal. Our innovative, holistic approach helps you improve corporate profitability and provide better employee and customer experiences by leveraging your data to manage cost drivers and program performance from strategy through execution.
Casualty Liabilities Reduction
We help improve casualty liabilities programs to help you before and after a claim occurs. For example, our Workers’ Compensation Liabilities Reduction combines analytics, claims management, and process improvements to optimize cost containment strategies. Then, our Workers’ Compensation Claims Closure process identifies root causes to reduce future claim volume and close those claims quickly.Learn More
Training and Awareness
Working together, we develop a customized training communications plan and help you manage the process from strategy through execution. We continuously monitor, measure, and adapt the strategy to maximize effectiveness and target areas that have a lasting effect on your culture.Learn More
Managed Care Optimization
After conducting a thorough benchmark evaluation to determine areas of opportunity, we customize your managed care program specific to your organization to deliver better medical outcomes and improved financial performance. Then, we measure your program’s ongoing performance to ensure accountability, results, and your return on our engagement.
Profit Protection
Loss – including shrink, waste, damage, and spoilage – can have a severe impact on profitability. But we also identify profit-eroding behaviors such as administrative errors, internal and external theft, and operational inefficiencies to find cost-effective ways to boost your bottom line.Learn More
Start a Conversation with Impact
Contact us to find out more about how we could help your business.