Viewpoints from Jodi Perry
Engaging employees is hard. I’ve watched employee engagement trends evolve over the years, and hands down, technology is the way to go for this monumental task. One reason digital solutions are so wonderful is their ability to lead the user to a precise location when they have questions. And we know employees are utilizing digital solutions from the analytics we monitor for our clients. Employees don’t stay long – they get in, get what they need and get out. It’s a win-win.
How do you currently communicate your benefits offerings?
A benefits guide is a great tool, and while every company needs one, has yours considered a more easily navigated approach?
If you don’t have a digital strategy in place you’re a little behind – but you can catch up.
Benefits websites have been all the rage for several years. I don’t think they’re going away anytime soon (thankfully, because I love creating them with my team). They’re typically easy to navigate, they can be entered from outside the company firewall and the information is easily accessible.
My Smart Contacts is a web-based app to help you give your employees the information they need, in the palm of their hands. You can share high-level plan details, contact information, your company’s benefits guide and even a link to your benefits administration site. It’s great for small to mid-sized companies that don’t have a big budget for a website. And it can easily be used by larger companies as a digital wallet card, with the addition of just a bit more information.
TruHu Pulse, a new mobile engagement solution, provides companies with a flexible, easy-to-administer communication and information platform. You can quickly text your employees important updates, engage them in surveys and post benefits information in an easy-to-use format. Since this is a web-based app, employees can access this information from anywhere.
Whichever route you choose, remember that employees want to be engaged.
56% of adults with employer-sponsored health benefits said that whether or not they like their health coverage is a key factor in deciding to stay at their job. So what do you do with that information? Make sure your employees fully understand their benefits! The EPIC Communications & Engagement team is here to help.
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