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Is the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company the Answer to Rising Drug Costs?

… benefit manager. This month the online pharmacy launched with a promise of only a 15% flat margin and pharmacist fee on 100 generic drugs. Cuban isn’t the first billionaire to try to solve the challenges of drug pricing. Amazon acquired PillPack in 2018 and announced its entry into retail pharmacy. Long before that, Walmart launched a $4 generic drug price in 2006. Tools like oneRx and GoodRx provide consumers with the ability to price compare the cost of medicines with or without insurance. Viewpoints from Craig Hasday Pharmacy cost can constitute 20% or more of employer healthcare spend and …

What Does Blue Shield of California’s New Unbundled Pharmacy Model Mean to Employers?

Viewpoints from Craig Hasday Blue Shield of California’s recent decision to unbundle its pharmacy benefit program and work with multiple vendors – including Amazon and the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company – wiped out $20 billion in market capitalization of the owners of the three largest pharmacy benefit managers within hours of the announcement. This decision comes at a time when pharmacy costs are under intense scrutiny by federal and state regulators. Driven by significant life-altering but very expensive specialty biologic medications, weight loss drugs, and next-generation cell and gene therapies, the pharmacy component of the healthcare bill …

Pharmacy Pricing Is a High-Cost Chess Game. You Need a Life Master on Your Side.

Viewpoints from Craig Hasday Affordability is the single biggest issue in healthcare. There is no greater challenge for plan sponsors than managing the cost of pharmacy benefits. For some groups, pharmacy costs exceed 30% of total cost accruals. Specialty pharmacy is growing faster than the rate of medical inflation, potentially representing 50% of this expense. The pipeline for specialty medications includes treatments with price tags in the six- and seven-figure ranges. For many participants in the health insurance ecosphere, pharmacy is an area where the greatest margin can be achieved since the distribution and component costs are complex and …

Why You Need a Specialist in Pharmacy to Manage Healthcare Costs

Our association with Pharmacy Strategies Group (PSG) has made me even more acutely aware of the importance of proactive pharmacy consulting in managing overall healthcare costs. For years, I have been writing in the abstract that specialty pharmacy costs are the fastest-growing component of healthcare expenses. Now, I feel like I am “armed for bear” with much more specific discussion points that give me greater insight into concurrent plan cost management. Viewpoints from Craig Hasday On June 24 (just days ago as I am writing this blog), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of …

Why You Need a Specialist to Control Pharmacy Spend

… escalate, payors are introducing new strategies to combat spiraling costs while balancing appropriate access. But costs continue to be shrouded in mystery with jockeying between the various intermediaries for a share of the profits. The rebate game has garnered focus as pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) maximize rebate compensation (contributing to pharmacy cost inflation) while attempting to have tight reins on net costs. As drug costs go up, so do the rebates – increasing profits to the intermediaries in the transaction. The latest issue of Benefits Pro magazine highlights new versions of these maneuvers. Viewpoints from Craig Hasday With the rise of …

Will Amazon Pharmacy Change Healthcare?

Viewpoints from Craig Hasday The market shuddered at the announcement of Haven Healthcare – the partnership between Amazon, JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway. This powerful trio combined financial savvy with insurance and distribution expertise. Surely, they would meaningfully move the market. Well, so far – not so much. Healthcare indeed represents almost 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but it’s also true that the status quo is a powerful force, especially when combined with significant political lobbying clout adding to federal and state governmental pressure. It’s no wonder change is difficult to enact. When Amazon bought PillPack in June 2018 …

Put Pharmacy Costs Under the Microscope in 2020

… per year of therapy, will represent almost 40% of new drugs. With favorable fast-tracking of approval, exorbitant prices, insulation from patent exposure and limited populations from which to draw a future class action, it’s not surprising that pharmaceutical research continues to focus on this area of drug development. Viewpoints from Craig Hasday Although these drugs have a high price tag, it’s clear they represent an opportunity for cost containment and avoidance of potential high-cost claimants.  A few of the more significant pipeline drugs include: A new lipid-lowering pill which is believed to be more desirable …

Large Claims Alarms Are Signaling Healthcare Cost Spikes

Viewpoints from Craig Hasday Regardless of your plan’s size or funding arrangement, prepare yourself. Large claims are coming. According to a QBE report, claims over $200,000 increased by 17% from 2020 to 2021. While it was harder to see through the crystal ball during the COVID-19 years, it is starting to get clearer again. This trend will continue. There are several factors in play. COVID-19 claims are expected to diminish, however, the cost of deferred care is emerging. Circulatory claims are on the rise, but more acutely, the cost of high-cost therapies is expected to …