Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis hit, many Americans were in need of emotional support and experiencing loneliness. Now that we’re dealing with a global pandemic, those individuals are enduring more intensified stress. And new individuals have joined the ranks – many people are undergoing unprecedented emotional stress due to social isolation, remote working challenges, and financial uncertainty.
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Viewpoints from Amanda LaPointe
Right now is the time to be there for your workforce, to help them manage their emotional wellness and successfully get through each day, one day at a time.
Be Supportive
Let your workforce know their health and the health of their families come first. Practice flexibility by allowing employees the freedom to take a break for short walks during the day to get their blood flowing. Movement, even walking, will likely help to mitigate feelings of restlessness. Support “mental health” days if employees are feeling overwhelmed and need a day off to recharge. Encourage employees to maintain an at-home routine similar to when they were commuting to the office every day to help them stay focused and on track, and also set boundaries in their new remote working environment by designating a workspace that is separate from their common living area so they can truly disconnect at the end of the day.
Stay Connected
Reach out to your workforce and keep them engaged with regular group calls and video chat if you have the capability – a friendly face or voice can be helpful. Provide your team with personal ways to stay connected such as those shared by my colleague, Ayana Collins. Company social media groups can also be used to stay connected and encourage physical health (correlated to mental health), which my colleague, Erin Milliken, wrote about in her recent wellness post.
Provide Resources
Look to your insurance carrier for their medical, behavioral health and wellness resources. Provide your Employees Assistance Program (EAP) contact information so employees have it on hand. Share wellness vendor offerings – many are offering free access to content like Headspace, Calm, and Sanvello. Encourage employees to exercise, move, stretch, and safely go for walks to support emotional health – several of our clients are launching walking programs and other virtual programming like chair yoga and meditation.
Keep your employees engaged and let them know you want to help them through this challenging time. The EPIC Wellness & Health Management team has relevant wellness resources available from several vendors. Reach out to your account executive or wellness consultant for more information, and stay tuned for more from our team as we continue to guide you through these strange times.
Join the conversation – participate in our “Return to Work” and other In It Together pulse surveys, our COVID-19 strategic collaboration and idea-sharing forum. Visit
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